By Megan Blansit
Director of The Beautiful Movement - a youth ministry for high school girls. For more information, visit The Beautiful Movement’s Facebook page, where I post the time, place, and activity for each month
Today is Thursday, Aug. 27, 2015…. so, what does that mean? For many in Dekalb County it means that high school football season officially kicks off TOMORROW. Fall is in the air, the marching bands are getting ready to break out their fight songs, the football players are getting ready for the bright lights and roaring fans, cheerleaders are ready to cheer, and I am NOT ready to gain 15lbs from eating the fried Oreos and M&Ms at the concession stand.
I would like to pose the question, “Why do we go to football games?” Maybe because we have a family member on the team or in the band? Maybe we want a reason to get “dolled up?” (Girls)
Maybe because we have school spirit (during and post high school)? Or maybe it’s because we live in the South and are obsessed with football (which is totally okay).
Regardless of what motivates us to attend, ultimately we go to football games because in some form or fashion, being there is important to us. I’ve always heard the saying, “People make time for what is important to them.” As I get older and life gets crazier, I’ve come to completely understand that statement and know it to be true.
If you choose to follow my column in the weeks and months to come, you will soon enough realize that I am very random. For example… I want to ask another question, “Why do we go to church?” Is it out of habit? Is it because we don’t want people to talk about us if we quit going? Is it because we love the Lord and can’t wait to experience his presence in corporate worship? Is it because a friend, parent, or spouse nags us until we go? Is it because we are hungry for His word? Is it a social scene?
I’m sure that just like me, over the years you’ve heard people give dozens or even hundreds of compelling reasons for attending church. Regardless of our motivation, I would like to think that we go to church because going to church is important to us. I realize that may not always be the case, however.
What if every time our team lost a game, we quit cheering for them and starting cheering for another team? That would be absurd, right? No team is going to be perfect. Yet, how many times have we become angry with God for not answering specific prayers, or even turned our back on Him completely? I imagine quite often.
I’ve found that sometimes God withholds answers to my prayers because he wants me to come back to prayer, to seek His face just a little longer, to be in his sweet presence one more time. He loves when we talk to Him. I’ve also found that he is the best listener a girl could EVER ask for. Also, maybe an unanswered prayer is an ANSWERED PRAYER. For example, what if you got the job you had been praying months for, but if you would have been chosen for it, a drunk driver would have hit you on your way to work the night shift.
It’s a dangerous place to be outside the will of God. God is all knowing, whereas I am definitely not. When we give God control of our lives he works in mysterious ways and it is always for our good. The word says that He withholds no good thing from those who walk uprightly (Psalm 84:11.) Yes, friend, the creator of the universe wants the absolute best for you! It’s mind boggling actually to think of how great His love for us really is; my mind can’t wrap around it completely. He died an agonizing death for me, for you, friend. He would have died on the cross even if there was one person to die for. I also believe He loves the good people and the bad people. I will take it a step
farther and say he is obsessed and crazy in love with the good and the bad people. His love doesn’t change just because we have a sinful day. Actually, the Bible says His grace is new every morning and that he throws our sins into the ocean and remembers them no more (once we repent.) What a heart he has! He will not and cannot stop loving us, friend.
I’m not going to be like pastors who say, “Don’t give your football team more excitement than you do for Jesus on Sunday’s at church.” Honestly, I wouldn’t want people yelling in my ear at church like they do at football games. But what I don’t want to do is give our LIVING God a DEAD praise. So, dear friend, I want to challenge you with this- during the answered and unanswered prayers, the good and the bad, please preoccupy your mind today with Gods extraordinary love for you. His love never fails, it never quits. For as long as God exists, his love remains. Love is who He is. And the cool thing? This love is an everyday kind of love. He is not just a Sunday lover. Jesus is a fan of yours no matter what.
During the good and the bad, I want to be a dedicated fan of Jesus Christ.
I’m thrilled to have you along on this journey with me. I will see you guys next week.