By Lucas Pruett, Southern Torch Faith Contributor
Yesterday, I read a Psalm that knocked my socks off. Please go read Psalm 29 now before reading this. Pull out your bible or go to the Bible app on your phone and check it out.
In the first two verses, the Psalmist pens, “Ascribe to the Lord, you heavenly beings, ascribe to the Lord glory and strength. Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name; worship the Lord in the splendor of his holiness.” I have heard this Psalm at different times before, but never settled in on it. By the way, that is what is so amazing about the Word of God. It is alive and active!
I have heard this verse quoted in a few songs I have listened to and mentioned in books and it never has struck me, but yesterday, the Holy Spirit decided it was time for it to take hold in the good soil of my heart and be planted there.
Ascribe is defined in the dictionary as: attribute something to or regard as belonging to. So in this Psalm, David is urging us to ascribe(attribute) to the Lord glory, strength and the glory due to his name.
I want to focus in on these two verses; however, do not lose sight of the rest of the Psalm. It is a beautiful passage describing the power and majestic qualities of the voice of the Lord. This is essential to remember because the God we ascribe to is powerful, mighty, and majestic.
Those are words used to describe just his voice alone. His voice spoke creation into existence and speaks life into us. The rest of the psalm further paints the picture of the God we ascribe
- Trust me, He is an amazing one! As we rest in the knowledge of the power and beauty of our Father, let us turn back to the second verse.
King David urges us to“ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name; worship the Lord in the splendor of his holiness”. What glory is God due in your life? What glory has God shown into your life that you need to ascribe(attribute) back to him?
The answers will vary and I can’t speak for you but please figure those things out and begin ascribing them back to Him! There is power in giving God the credit He is due. Start a pattern this week of following this Psalm and ascribing to God the glory due to his name from your life. Daily, lift those things to him and give him the credit.
Nothing from your life is because of you, all things are gifts from him including every single breath you take. Praise is your choice friends. It is the one thing we can always control.
The last verse says to worship the Lord in the splendor of HIS holiness. You can always pick whether you will praise Him or not in any situation. You are not praising Him due to your holiness, but praising Him due to the amazing splendor of his holiness.
Do not misinterpret how powerful it is for you to chose praise in times of struggle, hardship, or celebration. God honors our praise and he honors us when we attribute back to him credit for the gifts he has given us. Ascribe well and ascribe often this week!
As always, you can reach me with questions, prayer request, or conversation on this at
Thank you for encouragement