Douglas High School FFA wins big again

Douglas High School FFA wins big again

By MARY BAILEY The Reporter

DHS FFA Ag Team tours programs at Southern Union, Auburn

Last week the Douglas High School FFA Ag Construction Team was able to tour the technical programs at Southern Union State Community College and Auburn University.

The Douglas High School FFA Chapter has made a name for themselves once again by bringing home 20 state banners last week from the Alabama FFA Convention.

This brings their total this year alone to 25 awards.

Douglas High School FFA State Contest Winners:

State Champion Ag Construction Team  

4 State Champion Proficiency Awards 

State Champion BOAC Award (2 in a row) 

State Chapter Award (4 in a row)

Alabama State Star Farmer Placement Division - Hunter Matthews

Proficiency Awards: 

 1st in State - Davis Jackson - Ag Services Proficiency 

 1st in State - Alexander Lee - Fruit Production Proficiency 

 1st in State - Kolby Lane Hampton - Ag Research

1st in State - Zoe Wright - Equine Placement 

 2nd in State - Alexander Lee - Vegetable Production Proficiency 

 3rd in State - Alexander Lee - Ag Education Proficiency 

 2nd in State - Trenton Whisenant - Ag Mechanics Design and Fabrication

 3rd in State - Hunter Matthews - Ag Mechanics Repair and Maintenance Proficiency 

 4th in State - Isaac Lee- Swine Production Proficiency 

 3rd in State - Samuel Wright - Service Learning Proficiency

3rd in State - Kolby Lane Hampton - Fiber and Oil Crop Proficiency

3rd in State - Avery Smith - Vegetable Production Agriscience Fair: Chloe Gillilan and Autumn Bowden - 2nd in State

 CDE Awards: 

 1st in State - Ag Construction Team - Isaac Lee, Hunter Matthews, Cason Walls, Logan Puckett  

3rd in State - Ag Mechanics Team - Davis Jackson (highest individual in the State), Andrew Jones, Canaan Murray, Caleb Moore 

4th in State - Land Evaluation Team - Hunter Matthews, Davis Jackson, Isaac Lee, Zane Hayes, Lane Hampton 

5th in State - Aquaculture Team - Zane Hayes, Zander Otinger, Lane Hampton, Samuel Wright 8th in State - Small Engines Team - John David James, Riley Collins, Aiden Harris, Myles Mahan 

Chapter Awards: 

 The Alabama Top 5 Chapter Award, Gold Level National Chapter Award, and BOAC Award are prestigious awards that were won by all DHS FFA chapter members. These awards are based on the chapter’s Program of Activities which was planned and executed by all members with help from the school and community partners.

DHS Ag Mechanics Team - 3rd place

Davis Jackson - highest scoring individual for the 3rd straight year

Aquaculture Team - tied for 5th in team scoring

Small Engines Team - 8th place in the state.

Ag Construction - Isaac Lee, Cason Walls, Hunter Matthews, Logan Puckett

Ag Mechanics - Davis Jackson, Andrew Jones, Canaan Murray, Caleb Moore

Aquaculture - Zander Otinger, Zane Hayes, Lane Hampton, Samuel Wright, Myles Mahan

Small Engines - John David James, Riley Collins, Aiden Harris

“I’m so proud of these students. The Ag Construction team especially has been working very hard to win the state contest for several years,” said Andrew Brock, DHS FFA Instructor.

“It is a tremendous accomplishment just to advance to the state level of competition, and I’m proud of all these students for the work they put in to get to this level. In addition to the contests, our students also got to tour the technical programs at Southern Union State Community College and the campus of Auburn University.”

Brock says he is proud of every one of his students and sees no stopping their potential inside and outside of the classroom.

“The Proficiency Awards you see listed are based on the individual work experience records of the students outside of school. The number of these awards won by our chapter members show that our members are working very hard outside of the classroom and building skills and experience that will help them in the future,” Brock continued.  

“The BOAC Awards and National Chapter Award are based on the community service projects and unique activities that are carried out by our chapter members throughout the school year. Our chapter members take a lot of pride in developing and implementing activities to develop leaders, build our community, and strengthen the knowledge of agriculture in our community.”

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