September is National Preparedness Month and to mark the event, DeKalb County Emergency Management Agency working with DeKalb County Volunteer Organizations Active in Disaster (VOAD) is planning the 2014 Disaster Preparedness Fair. This event will be held at the DeKalb County Schools Civic Center in Rainsville on Saturday September 6, 2014 from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
This event will feature displays and presentations by those agencies that respond to assist citizens in the time of disaster. We will have many agencies represented including DeKalb County EMA, DeKalb County Sheriff’s Office, DeKalb Ambulance Service, Fire Departments, local police, public utilities, state trooper helicopter, medical aircraft, local rescue squads, public health, amateur radio and many more.
VOAD members will also have their agencies represented including Salvation Army, American Red Cross, Long Term Recovery Committee, local churches and other non-government organizations.
The plan is to have those businesses who offer disaster related products and services for sale to the public.
Displays will be located inside the Civic Center as well as the parking lot. These will include emergency response equipment that would be used during a disaster, including helicopters, fire trucks, police units, ambulances, utility and public works equipment and other interesting equipment. All this equipment will be open for everyone to look in, touch and feel.
According to DeKalb County VOAD president, Carrie Lea, “This is a great time to get you and your family ready for the upcoming fall tornado season and for the upcoming winter. It is up to each family to have a plan. Many times, emergencies can be avoided by simple planning. Always make sure you and your family have the essentials on hand just in case something were to happen. Make sure everyone knows where to meet and who to call if a family gets separated,” she said.
During this event we will also be soliciting input for the upcoming Hazard Mitigation Plan update. This will involve asking visitors to take a quick survey on how they would like the EMA to focus mitigation efforts for the next five years.
There is no charge for the event and everyone is welcome to come learn how to be better prepared for any emergency event. This will also be a great time to get involved with any of the many organizations which contribute goods and services during disasters.
If you or your organization wishes to participate please call Katy Powers at DeKalb County EMA at 256-845-8569.