COLLINSVILLE, Ala.— The town of Collinsville is feeling a sense of loss this week. Last Sunday, Feb. 14, Stan Zulker, 82, passed away at Gadsden Regional Hospital. Mr. Zulker, a man very active in his community and at Collinsville Baptist Church, was greatly admired in Collinsville. He will be remembered for his kind smile and quick wit.
Mr. Zulker was a man of unapologetic passion and genuine zest for life. He inspired others when he committed to a task through the determination, tireless work ethic and stubborn will he put into everything he did. He threw himself wholeheartedly into the things he enjoyed most—spending time with family, going to church and, of debatable importance, rooting for his favorite football team on Sundays.
Mr. Zulker was a man of great strength and character. He had a toughness about himself that let people know right away that he would not be pushed around. But at the same time Mr. Zulker was also capable of extending a kindness and generosity towards his fellow man that is difficult to put into words. When someone from his church or community needed something, he was always there and the first to lend a hand. He truly loved helping others.
Mr. Zulker loved his family with all of his heart. He will be missed desperately, especially by the only person who could ever truly keep him in line, his wife Mrs. Carol. Survived by his son Paul, five grandchildren, two great-grandchildren and a host of nieces and nephews, Mr. Zulker left this earth with the knowledge that his legacy is intact and his family is in good hands. He will be missed, but for those who knew him and loved him, there is solace in the knowledge that he is in a better place, finally rejoined with his son Brian and his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.