MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE NOTICE DEFAULT HAVING BEEN MADE in the payment of the indebtedness secured by that certain Accommodation Mortgage and Security Agreement executed by Mary Sue Collins and spouse, Delmus E. Collins, the Mortgagors; and Vickie Watkins and spouse, Chris Watkins, the Debtors, on April 12, 2011 to First Bank of the South, which Accommodation Mortgage and Security Agreement was recorded on May 3, 2011 in Mortgage Book 1693, Page 105 in the Office of the Judge of Probate, DeKalb County, Alabama; and default continuing, notice hereby is given that under the power of sale contained in said mortgage, I will, on behalf of First Bank of the South acquired by and now known as First State Bank of DeKalb County, proceed to sell on June 20, 2017, during the legal hours of sale; to-wit: 11:00 o'clock a.m. to 4:00 o'clock p.m., in front of the main entrance to the DeKalb County Courthouse in Fort Payne, Alabama, to the highest, best, and last bidder for cash, the following described real estate situated in DeKalb County, Alabama, and described as follows: Commence at an existing axle at the Southeast corner of the East half of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 12, Township 7 South, Range 6 East of the Huntsville Meridian, and run North 89 degrees, 00 minutes 00 seconds West along the South line of said East half 320.00 feet to the point of beginning of the property described herein: Thence continue North 89 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West 345.85 feet to an existing bolt; thence run North 00 degrees 01 minute 16 seconds West leaving said south line 1297.09 feet to an existing drive shaft; thence run North 87 degrees 47 minutes 01 seconds East along an existing fence line 665.20 feet to an existing axle; Thence run South 00 degrees 03 minutes 55 seconds East along the East line of said East half 1124.44 feet to an iron pin set; thence run North 89 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West 320.00 feet to an iron pin set; Thence run South 00 degrees 03 minutes 56 seconds East 210 feet to the point of beginning. Said property being a portion of the East half of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter; Section 12, Township 7 South, Range 6 east, DeKalb County, Alabama and contains 18.55 acres, more or less. Together with all existing or subsequently erected or affixed buildings, improvements, and fixtures. Said sale is for the purpose of securing payment of the indebtedness secured by said Mortgage, together with the costs of foreclosure. Alabama law gives some persons who have an interest in property the right to redeem the property under certain circumstances. Programs may also exist that help persons avoid or delay the foreclosure process. An attorney should be consulted to help you understand these rights and programs as a part of the foreclosure process. WILSON & SCOTT, L.L.C. ATTORNEYS FOR MORTGAGEE NIKKI PARRISH SCOTT P O BOX 680639 (35968) 411 ALABAMA AVENUE SOUTHWEST FORT PAYNE, ALABAMA 35967 (256) 845-7000 Southern Torch 5/26/17, 6/2/17, 6/9/17