What to do in DeKalb County: Hikes, flights, and more

What to do in DeKalb County: Hikes, flights, and more

Marla Ballard Columnist

Join DeKalb County E-Center for their Women Entrepreneur’s Educational Series on Thursday, March 20 from 5 p.m. -7:30 p.m. DeKalb E- Center is open for start-up businesses, civic organizations, students, or individuals to incubate a business or an idea. It includes a state-of-the-art conference room, retail space for start-up businesses to rent, reception space, and professional offices. It is a hub for education and resources for those who want to grow a business. The networking event for women entrepreneurs will be held at Hunt Hall located at 510 Gault Ave. N, Fort Payne. Registration is required, go to dekalbcenter.org or call 256-516-2050.

 On Monday, March 24 join JSU Field School for Hike with a Naturalist – Beaver Pond Trail. Learn about plants, animals, and the natural history of the Little River National Preserve. Free, no registration required. Hike begins at 10:30 a.m. and is scheduled for approximately two-hours. Rated easy to moderate with uneven terrain. Meet at the Little River Canyon Center. For more information call: 256-845-3548. LRCC is located at 4322 Little River Canyon Rim Pkwy, Fort Payne (on Highway 35).

 Just in time for spring planting season join DeSoto State Park on Saturday, April 5 for Landscaping with Native Plants.

Landscaping with native plants is often referred to as “naturescaping.” This is not to be confused with wild landscaping. Many species of birds and insects rely on naturescaping for nest materials, protection, and food. The event will give instruction on native wildflowers, trees, grasses, and shrubs and how they affect the ecosystem. Event is free with no preregistration. From 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. located at Benefield Nature Center next to the Country Store on C.R. 89 inside the park (7104 DeSoto Pkwy NE, Fort Payne).

 Learn to create functional art with natural materials on Sunday, April 6. Little River Arts Council and DeSoto State Park will offer a workshop teaching how to spiral weave a willow basket. This class is part of their Serious Skills Series. No experience necessary. Class is 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. and will be held at DeSoto State Park. The workshop will begin with making a napkin ring for practice before making a 9”x4” willow basket. Participants will also learn when, where, and how to harvest and prepare willow. Fee for class is $100, all materials supplied. Class space is limited, preregistration is required. To register go to: https://www.littleriverartscouncil.org/spiralbasket.html.

 On Saturday, April 12 the EAA Chapter 890 will host Young Eagles Flight Introduction at the Fort Payne Municipal Airport, Fort Payne. The event is scheduled for 9 a.m. – noon. The Young Eagles Program has dedicated 30 years to giving youths ages 8 -17 their first free ride in an airplane. It is the only program of its kind, with the sole mission to introduce and inspire children in the world of aviation. Over 2.5 million young people have enjoyed a free introductory flight through this program. For more information go to: https://www.eaa.org/eaa/youth/free-ye-flights.

 Children may be signed up on site, get their pre-flight instruction, and enjoy their first flight experience with a  seasoned pilot that will last approximately 15 minutes. Lots of fun will be on the ground as well with cool flying stories from local pilots. Children will be able to ask questions about flying. Weather conditions will have an impact on the scheduled event.

 Join Hike with a Naturalist – Canyon Mouth Trail for a two-mile hike. The hike is considered easy to moderate with varying and uneven terrain. Children and leased dogs are welcome. Weather conditions could cause the hike to be cancelled, please check with the canyon center if weather is questionable. The hike is scheduled for Saturday, April 19 at 10 a.m. Meet at the Little River Canyon Center and caravan to trailhead. Free event. For more information call: 256-845-3548. LRCC is located at 4322 Little River Canyon Rim Pkwy, Fort Payne (on Highway 35).

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