By MARY BAILEY The Reporter
The Boaz City Council meeting on Monday had a full agenda, including discussing the relocation of Boaz City Hall.
Due to extensive roof and water damage, Boaz City Hall and its employees have moved to a temporary location across town.
According to Boaz Mayor David Dyar, they will continue to conduct business as normal in their new location.
“We have had some issues with the roof, so when they came to address it, they started taking off part of the roof, then the rain came,” Mayor Dyar said. “The roof is under warranty. The company that put the roof on are responsible for getting the roof back in shape.”
Mayor Dyar said Boaz City Hall employees have been making the transition all week, moving equipment and all needed items to keep business moving forward. The temporary office is located at 200 Elizabeth Street, Suite 464, directly next to the Snead State Book Store.
All phones numbers are still the same for those needing assistance from city hall. There is currently no time frame on how long they will be operating out of the new location.
December 2024 City of Boaz Reports:
Boaz Fire:
Fire: 1
EMS: 105
Hazmat: 2
Service Calls: 21
Series: 3
False Alarms: 4
Special Intent:
Boaz Senior Center:
Meals Served: 1,298
Home Delivered: 676
At Center: 622
Passenger Trips: 495
Vehicle Miles: 1,536
Passenger Miles: 1,542
Boaz Public Library:
Total items checked out: 10,297
Internet Uses: 2,981
New registered patrons: 40
In person/virtual/recorded programs:
18 with 516 in attendance
Passive Programs: 12 with 886 participating
Total library visits: 3,587
Parks & Rec:
Water Aerobics: morning class, 38 participants
Conference Room: 14
Pickleball: 13
Boaz Police Department:
Arrests: 111
Response Calls: 3,038
Incident Reports: 107
Traffic Citations: 356
Warnings: 110
Accidents: 37
Private Property Accidents: 10
Fatalities: 0
Animal Control:
Response Calls: 39
Animals Picked Up:
Dogs: 3
Cats: 4
Street Department:
Leaves/Grass: 139 loads
Limbs: 72 loads
Junk/Rubbish: 67 loads
Litter: 155 bags
Sweeper: 47 loads
To facilitate the high demand for leaf removal throughout the city, they have been running both the vacuum truck and the boom truck exclusively for leaves.
New Business:
1. Accounts Payable - Approve the accounts payable voucher dated December 13, 2024 through January 3, 2025 totaling $693,554.09.
2. Reappoint Caleb Liverett to the Zoning Board of Adjustments with a term expiring December 1, 2027.
3. Reappoint Jerry Battles to the Zoning Board of Adjustments with a term expiring December 1, 2027.
4. Adopt Resolution No. 2025-1850 authorizing the purchase of (1) Dell Latitude 5540 for the Boaz Parks and Recreation Department for a total amount of $1,541.32 through OMNIANational Cooperative Purchasing Alliance (NCPA) purchasing cooperative and authorizing Mayor Dyar to approve payment to Dell Technologies, Dell Marketing LP in the amount of $1,541.32.
5. Adopt Resolution No. 2025-1851 to approve Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $15,295.00 to Lambert Contracting, LLC for Bid No.2024-07-123. This Resolution authorizes Mayor David Dyar to execute all documents necessary to effectuate said Change Order No. 1 and authorizes the payment to Lambert Contracting, LLC from the 2023 A Bond Account.
6. Adopt Resolution No. 2025-1852 to declare all items listed on Schedule A be deemed as surplus property and authorizing the City Clerk/ Treasurer to sale and/or dispose of the surplus property.
7. Adopt Resolution No. 2025-1853 awarding Bid No. 2024-12-126 for a new Chemical Storage Building for the City of Boaz to Whit Duckett Construction, LLC in the amount of $98,975.00 to be paid from the 2023 A Bond Account.
8. Adopt Resolution No. 2025-1854 to enter into emergency agreements for electrical, plumbing and flooring goods and services with Cornutt Electrical, J&L Carpet and Robert Spencer Plumbing for the repair and modification of City owned property located at 200 Elizabeth Street, Suite 464 Boaz, Alabama to serve as a temporary City Hall while 112 North Broad Street, Boaz, Alabama is being remediated and repaired from flood damage.
The next Boaz City Council meeting will be Monday, January 27.