FP Approves 25 Million Dollar Budget

FP Approves 25 Million Dollar Budget

Marla Jones, Managing Editor


FORT PAYNE, Ala.-- (Meeting posted on Southern Torch Facebook) The Fort Payne City Council voted on Tuesday to pass the FY2022 Budget in the amount of approximately 25 million dollars. The budget includes: raises for most employees to get them to the state standard, a new fleet program totaling 40 cars, absorption of 7% of healthcare, along with $600,000 to go towards the City savings. 

“Kudos to the Department Heads….They have been really good this year. They were given direction to make this as lean as possible. We were able to do some of these things with their stance of a lean budget” stated Fort Payne Mayor Brian Baine.

The Council passed Resolution 2021-29, which accepted the low bid by Ingle Demolition and Salvage in the amount of $559,265 for the demolition of the old hospital, with work beginning this winter.

The council voted to approve a proposed sewer line on Gault Avenue in the vicinity of Contech, Inc., which is in the Old Vulcraft location. If the City will supply the labor to install the sewer line, Gil Graham of Contech will pay for the materials. This will enable residents of the Pine Hills Subdivision to hook on to the city sewer. The project is expected to be completed within two months. 

The council voted to approve a contract with Stephen Smith as Production Manager for the upcoming “Boom Days'' event in the amount of $8,000.

The Council set September 21st, as the date to receive public comments on two different items. The first is for the proposed vacation of a portion of an alleyway behind the former Jenni’s Department Store, located at Gault Avenue and 2nd Street North, to accommodate a drive-through window for the planned Mater’s Pizza operation.

The second item on the September 21 agenda is to receive public comments on the proposed rezoning of property located at 311 10th Street NW from C-4 (Commercial Business District) to R-1 (Low-Density Residential District) to conform with the adjoining properties and allow its use as a single-family dwelling, which the Planning Commission approved. 

Mayor Baine updated the Council on several items including the proposed use of the Williams Avenue School. Fort Payne Superintendent of Education, Brian Jett, advised that the Pre-K program will be housed at Williams Avenue.  Baine said that a portion of the school could possibly be used for the Child Development Center.

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