Barnett Updates on COVID-19

Barnett Updates on COVID-19

By Marla Jones, Managing Editor •

DeKALB COUNTY, Ala. — After a week of classes for DeKalb County Schools, Superintendent Dr. Jason Barnett updated Southern Torch with the following statement on how schools are handling the COVID-19 pandemic.

"I want to applaud our local students, parents, and community members for being great partners in prevention methods. Students are excited to return to campus which is evident by the high number of attendance," said Barnett. "Today we are at 95 percent attendance which is great for any day-especially during times like we are living in currently. DeKalb County Schools is the largest employer in our service area and we also serve nearly 9,000 students. Therefore, like the flu, strep throat, etc.. there will always be individuals associated with our system that are impacted by the virus."

"How we inform one another and how we respond is paramount to overall prevention. There will certainly be cases and incidents as we open schools, but fortunately, these have been very minimal and the quick communication from stakeholders has been paramount to preventing these individuals from attending our campuses and mitigating any spread," Barnett continued. "We need everyone to continue being strong partners and prevent the spreading as best we can. From the first couple of weeks, I can tell you from visiting the schools that our students, faculty and staff are doing an amazing job in our local schools. I am very proud of them. So I ask that you continue to take these reasonable precautions we have in place and we can overcome this virus together."

Southern Torch will continue to update as Barnett and other school officials release more information.

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