Johnson Receives FFA's Highest Honor

Johnson Receives FFA's Highest Honor

By Marla Jones, Managing Editor •

SYLVANIA, Ala. — Kailee Johnson, a Sylvania alumna and current Auburn University student, recently received notification that she had earned the highest honor awarded by the Future Farmers of America (FFA), the American Degree.

According to, "As the highest degree achievable in the National FFA Organization, the American FFA Degree shows an FFA member’s dedication to his or her chapter and state FFA association. It demonstrates the effort FFA members apply toward their supervised agricultural experience and the outstanding leadership abilities and community involvement they exhibited through their FFA career.

American FFA Degree recipients show promise for the future and have gone above and beyond to achieve excellence."

The requirements to earn the American FFA Degree are set forth in the National FFA Constitution. To be eligible to receive the American FFA Degree, members must meet qualifications such as receiving a State FFA Degree, holding active membership for the past three years, completing secondary instruction in an agricultural education program and operating an outstanding supervised agricultural experience program. Community service, leadership abilities and outstanding scholastic achievement are also required.