Alabama Passes Abortion Ban

Alabama Passes Abortion Ban

By Marla Jones, Managing Editor • (Photo via The Hill)

MONTGOMERY, Ala. — On Tuesday, the Alabama House of Representatives passed HB314, which would criminalize almost all abortions within the State of Alabama. If passed by the Senate, the bill would make it a Class A felony for a doctor to perform an abortion and a Class C felony for attempting to perform an abortion, unless the mother’s health is at risk. 

The bill was sponsored by Rep. Terri Collins (R-Decatur) and it passed the House by a vote of 74-3. Over 60 of the state’s 104 House members were co-sponsors of the bill. 

The bill was debated for almost two hours before votes were cast. 

Collins stated that the goal of the bill was to have the legislation brought before the U.S. Supreme Court in an effort to overturn Roe v. Wade. The bill does not include any exceptions for rape or incest. 

House Minority Leader Anthony Daniels (D-Huntsville) suggested that Collins amend the bill to include exceptions for rape or incest, but Collins insisted that no amendments would be added. The amendment was tabled by a vote of 72-26. Another amendment by Rep. Merika Coleman (D-Midfield) was tabled by a vote of 61-27 that would’ve required state legislators to foot the bill for personally defending the law. 

Rep. Mary Moore of Birmingham stated that Collins was “destroying so many ladies in this country.” 

“I believe that this chamber...will never make a greater decision that today I believe that with all my heart, protecting the life of an unborn child,” stated Rep. Rich Wingo (R-Tuscaloosa). 

Collins stated that she was hopeful for the bill’s passage in the Alabama Senate without amendments.

Last year, voters in Alabama approved a constitutional amendment that would outlaw abortions in the state, should the Supreme Court ever overturn Roe v. Wade.