TRUMP ENDORSES MOORE: "No to (Doug) Jones, a Pelosi/Schumer Puppet!"

TRUMP ENDORSES MOORE: "No to (Doug) Jones, a Pelosi/Schumer Puppet!"

PHOTO: Early this morning, President Trump tweeted his full support for Roy Moore for U.S. Senate, and called Doug Jones a "Pelosi/Schumer Puppet. (Gage Skidmore, Flickr | Tyler Pruett, Southern Torch)

By Tyler Pruett, Managing Editor

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Early this morning, President Donald Trump tweeted full support of U.S. Senate candidate Roy Moore, and took a swipe at his Democratic opponent Doug Jones:

Over the weekend, Alabama citizens were invited via "Robocall" to attend a rally with the President a short distance from Alabama in Pensacola, Florida. The rally will be held this Friday (December 8), only four days before the special election date here in Alabama. The event will begin at 7 pm in the Pensacola Bay Center.

The Roy Moore campaign released a statement on the endorsement a short while ago: "On Monday morning, after the President took to Twitter to announce his endorsement of Judge Roy Moore for the United States Senate, the President called Judge Moore from Air Force One and expressed enthusiastic support for Judge Moore's candidacy.

President Trump called Judge Moore a "fighter" and expressed his eagerness to have Judge Moore fighting for his agenda in Washington. The President wrapped up the call with a "go get 'em, Roy!" 

"I am honored to receive the support and endorsement of President Donald Trump," Judge Roy Moore said Monday morning. "President Trump knows that the future of his conservative agenda in Congress hinges on this election. I look forward to fighting alongside the President to strengthen our military, secure our border, protect our gun rights, defend the sanctity of life, and confirm conservative judges to courts around this nation. We had a good conversation over the phone today and are working together towards conservative victory on December 12."   

Early Monday morning, the President tweeted his endorsement of Judge Moore:  "Democrats refusal to give even one vote for massive Tax Cuts is why we need Republican Roy Moore to win in Alabama. We need his vote on stopping crime, illegal immigration, Border Wall, Military, Pro Life, V.A., Judges 2nd Amendment and more. No to Jones, a Pelosi/Schumer Puppet!" 

Chairman Bill Armistead commented that, "Alabama voters overwhelmingly rejected Hillary Clinton last November and will overwhelmingly reject her protege, Doug Jones, next week. We are ready to support President Trump's conservative, America First agenda, Drain the Swamp, and Make America Great Again."