PHOTO: The city council discusses surplussing of the police department's old body cameras and the cage from a patrol car.
By Staff Reports
RAINSVILLE, Ala. — The Rainsville City Council held it's regular meeting on Thursday last week due to the Labor Day Holiday falling on Monday. The council announced today that a special call meeting will be held tomorrow (Tuesday, September 12) at 5 pm to discuss the state funded road paving project.
Items addressed at the meeting (Unanimous unless otherwise noted):
- Set budget workshop for Thursday, September 14 at 4 pm.
- Approved one time pay raise for retired city employees.
- Approved Resolution 9-7-17, which vacated alleyways in the Bowman and Mims Subdivisions.
- Approved Resolution 9-7-2017b, which declared police body cameras and a cage in a patrol car surplus.
- Hired Ben Johnston to conduct a certified appraisal on a piece of property that the city is interested in purchasing. (Stiefel voted 'no')
- Voted to replace the "arm" on a garbage truck that had worn out.
- Purchased a new utility golf cart for the Field of Dreams for $2500.00.
- Voted to surplus the 2002 Crown Victoria being used by the Fire Department.
The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Rainsville Council will be held on Monday, September 18; with the Workshop beginning at 4:15 pm and the Regular Meeting at 5 pm.
Watch the Full Video: