Fyffe students organize area-wide FCA Event in Rainsville

Fyffe students organize area-wide FCA Event in Rainsville

PHOTO: Next week, an area-wide FCA rally will be held in the DeKalb County Schools Coliseum. All are invited to attend!

By Tyler Pruett, Managing Editor


RAINSVILLE, Ala. Two Fyffe High School students have organized a large Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) rally for all students in the county, as well as anyone else who wants to attend. "Illuminate for Christ," will be held at the DeKalb County Schools Coliseum on Saturday, April 1 (next week) at 6 pm.

The event will feature several different speakers, as well as dramas and music from local performers.

Crimson Long, who’s the leader of the Fyffe High School FCA program, in which he has been involved for two years, explained what gave him the idea for this event.

“I had a dream back last year, that I believe that God put it in my head from the start. In the dream, I saw a revival breaking out at my school,” explained Long.

At the very end of school last year, Crimson organized a group together for about an hour at a location near the school.

“It sparked a new idea and a new dream to save the people in our county, and start a wildfire in our county, and get all the schools involved. My dream is for Sand Mountain to be a fortress for God, and revival to break out,” he explained.

Phillip Dendy, Seth Stone, Chad Hancock, and the events organizer, Crimson, will be speaking at the event. Fort Payne’s John Mark will be providing musical entertainment. Dramas will also be performed by Antioch Baptist Church and Pleasant View.

According to Co-Host Jeni Hull, they are expecting approximately 1000 - 2000 attendees at what is being called, “a huge event.”

"His idea is to unite all the rival schools together for Christ and bring everyone together in unity," explained Hull.

"There is so much hate and evil in the world, and the only way we can counteract that, is to replace it with the love of christ and shine our light for God," she added.