Guest seeking reelection to Geraldine council tomorrow

Guest seeking reelection to Geraldine council

Submitted by Tim Guest

(Photo Courtesy of Town of Geraldine)
(Photo Courtesy of Town of Geraldine)

If you are not familiar with the name allow me to give a quick version of who I am and what best describes me. I grew up in Geraldine in the 1950-1960s era. My parents were local business owners, as were my grandparents, but I chose a different path.

I left Geraldine in 1969 never thinking I would have the opportunity to return as a resident, but God's plan is not always our plan. He sees what we cannot. In 2005, thirty six years later, that opportunity became a reality. In 2006 I was able to take an early retirement at age 57.

In late 2008 I married my lovely wife Nancy Croft Guest. After all those years I found that thirty six years does not diminish the deep affection that a former son has for this area of Sand Mountain.

Much has been accomplished these past four years that I have been on the Council. Property has been purchased, buildings and other structures have been built or purchased, a weather siren installed, upgrades to the ball fields and park, and a large portion of this work was done voluntarily by Councilmembers. All of this is great and important, but the project to be most proud of is the soon to begin Geraldine Sewer Project which will move our Town forward into the 21st Century. It will create opportunities for our citizens that can only be imagined at this point.

It would be nice to be able to take credit for such a project, but the plans for the project began some seven years ago under the leadership of Mayor Billy Smothers and the previous Council. I am just thankful we can finish what they had the vision to begin.

My duty to the citizens of Geraldine and the community that surrounds it is to have a vision of what Geraldine can be, faith in that vision and the courage to see it through.

To serve a place I thought I had lost forever, only to return, is a blessing and I am thankful for that. I ask for you vote on Tuesday, August 23rd. God Bless. Colossians 3:23.

Thank you for your support.