Hobby Lobby vs The Giant

Hobby Lobby vs The Giant

Today I am thinking of the time when David went into the battle field to face the giant.

This massive creature was taunting and cursing, stomping and snoring, causing fear among the children of Israel.  Through his gestures and all-consuming features the children of Israel were held at bay, unable to move or gain any ground on the battle field.

Until David arrived.  A small shepherd boy, a King-in-waiting, came with a small meal for his brothers-a Happy Meal-because they were out fighting for the one true God.  Yet, David does not find them fighting, he finds them in retreat mode and trembling in fear.

His anger consumes him because this man was speaking vile things about God and God’s chosen people.  He knew in his heart that this had to be stopped, so he goes down to the battle field, takes on the giant that was stalling progress in the war and takes him down with one small stone from his sling shot.

A great story about trust, faith, resolve, and standing up for God and the things of God.

This week we have seen some of that played out on the national front between Hobby Lobby and the Supreme Court.

Hobby Lobby is a Christian owned business with 600 plus stores in 40 states, with plans to open another 70 more this year.  Based upon the principles of the Word of God, this business is an arts and crafts business catered to millions of customers a year, with $3 billion plus in revenues, a total of 25,000 full and part-time employees with some 13,000 employees affect by insurance benefits and owned by one family.  From research it was noted that for the most part employees receive a fair income with benefits compatible with other businesses within this genre.

Additionally, it is a pleasure to be a customer of this business.  Once you enter the store, you find it clean, appeasing, and joyful.  From the in-house speakers you hear Christian music being played, employees are friendly and helpful, and merchandise that is reasonable priced.

By the way, if you want to shop their stores on Sunday, you might as well not think about it-they are closed on Sunday’s in order that employees can have a day of worship and family.

Yes, having been in the retail world, I would say that if I had to return to the retail world that would be the first place I would look for a job.

This small business has been in the news for the last couple of years.  The name of the business has been tossed to and fro by newscasters, Politian’s, preachers and liberal organizations.  Both good and bad, comments have been made for the most part regarding the stance the business has taken on the issue of the Affordable Care Act, a supposed health care reform mandate, or better termed, Obamacare.


The 10th Circuit Court of Appeals exempted Hobby Lobby from supplying abortion-inducing drugs to employees last June, but now the federal government is appealing the case to the U.S. Supreme Court. 


U.S. Solicitor Gen. Donald Verrilli Jr. filed the 251-page appeal to the decision Thursday. The question the Court faces is whether or not, under the Obamacare HHS mandate, private companies must provide abortion-inducing drugs and contraceptives to employees despite the company’s religious objections. 


Two key laws are up for judicial interpretation in this case. 


One of these statutes is the glaringly-obvious First Amendment “free exercise clause” which demands Congress make no law prohibiting the free exercise of religion. 


The second is the 1993 Religious Freedom Restoration Act which states the “government shall not substantially burden a person’s exercise of religion even if the burden results from a rule of general applicability.” Exceptions apply when the rule has a compelling government interest and is being furthered under the least restrictive means. 


Hobby Lobby CEO and Founder David Green has made it explicitly clear that the company was founded on Christian principles and has been committed to helping families “celebrate life” for over 40 years: 


“We believe that business owners should not have to be forced to choose between following their faith and following the law,” Green said. 


In June the Circuit Court Opinion noted


As is particularly relevant to this case, one aspect of the Greens’ religious commitment is a belief that human life begins when sperm fertilizes an egg. In addition, the Greens believe it is immoral for them to facilitate any act that causes the death of a human embryo. 


Hobby Lobby faces a fine of at least $475 million per year if the Supreme Court rules to enforce the HHS mandate. 


To date, the abortion pill mandate is losing 30-5 in court, according to Alliance Defending Freedom. 


Americans across the country continue to fight for religious freedom from Obama’s unconstitutional mandate. 


- www.townhall.com


When the Affordable Care Act was passed, Hobby Lobby along with other likeminded organizations took exception to the clause that forces businesses to provide for contraception and birth control services, including abortion.  Steve Green, CEO of Hobby Lobby and a Southern Baptist, said in an interview:


Blocking implantation would ‘terminate life’ says Green. “We won’t pay for any abortive products. We believe life begins at conception.’”

- washingtonpost.com


The government has now filed suit and won a hearing on the matter before the giant of courts-the Supreme Court.  Today they heard arguments related to the matter.  Using the Religious Freedom Restoration Act and the First Amendment of the Constitution, the small business will face off with the giant and pray for a positive outcome in June.  It is interesting to note that a bill signed by then President Clinton will be used against sitting President Obama and his health care reform act in this case.

While there are some who wish to discount the possibility of the potential of the Hobby Lobby ruling from the lower court being upheld, they need to realize there have been precedents set in the use of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act due to the court having already recognized the religious rights of religious corporations in recent years. For instance, the court ruled unanimously in 2006 that the federal government could not confiscate a hallucinogenic tea from a New Mexico religious corporation.  This was a tea which was considered a sacrament for the religious corporation, even though the tea was barred under federal drug laws.  The key difference between that case and those before the court today is that the court is now dealing with for-profit corporations-not nonprofits. In fact, nonprofits with religious affiliations, such as Catholic universities, are already exempt from the Obamacare contraception rule.

Lori Windham, a senior counsel for the Becket Fund, which is representing Hobby Lobby, told CBS News. "The question here is whether the Green family can be forced to do something that violates their deeply held religious conviction as a consequence of the new health care law."


"The government says that nonprofit versus for-profit is the dividing line-that is a really bad dividing line," Windham said. "That would mean the NFL, which is a nonprofit, has religious rights but Mardel Christian Bookstores does not." (Mardel, a bookstore chain that the Greens own along with Hobby Lobby, is also challenging the Obamacare mandate.)

 - cbsnews.com


So many ramifications can be examined in relation to this case before the courts today.  Predictions of fall outs on both sides can be seen as detrimental to future generations.  It all depends on your perspective of life, where life begins, who creates life, accepting responsibility for choices made, and where truth comes from.

Personally, I stand on the principles of the Word of God.  God’s Word clearly states that life begins at conception, that God forms life, and we must accept responsibility for the actions and decisions we make in this life.  God give’s life and God takes life-it is not our decision!  While Hobby Lobby stands for these truths, they are coming against a huge giant that is influenced by the anti-religious government wanting to do away with the rights of the American people and force upon them accept and tolerate all things contrary to our Judeo-Christian heritage.

Therefore I am standing with Hobby Lobby!  They are doing what they feel is right and just for all Christians.

With that said, there are several things we need to do:


  • We need to pray.  Pray for the owners of Hobby Lobby, for the lawyers and the Judges as the process works through the next three months.
  • We need to study the Word of God.  Time to hone up on the Bible and how it speaks to the time we live in.  More than anything, we need to take the Word apply it to our lives, and live it in the world.
  • We need to take a stand.  As Americans we are more inclined to ride the waves and wait for the calm waters.  As believers we are more interested in our pristine, padded pews.  What we need is for men and woman of God to step up and take a stand, standing on the unfailing promises and truths of the Word of God.  Be vocal and be respectful; but take a stand and do not back down.
  • We need to vote!  If God’s people would go to the polls and vote for individuals who stand for truth, we could change this world.


Until next time…




Dr. Jeff Fuller is a pastor, speaker, free-lance writer, and author living in Rockford, Alabama.  He is married with one child.  You may reach him by email at fuller0717@gmail.com.