Geraldine Homecoming Court Pictured Above: First row: Senior Attendants Autumn Bailey, Selene Hernandez, and Brittany McCool. Second row: Chelsea Banks (8th grade), Cassie Black (9th grade), Valentina Romero (11th grade), Kaycee Powell (10th grade), and Jamie Nicole Hill (7th grade).
Ider Homecoming Court Pictured Above: (First row) Senior attendants Madeline Mason, Makayla Norman, Adriana Bolt, Lindsay Higdon. (Back row) Mallory Smith (7th grade), Sara Lucky (8th grade), Meagan Seals (9th grade), Madison Sewell (10th grade), Caitlin Tinker (11th grade)
Plainview Homecoming Court Pictured Above: (Left to Right) Kolbi Kirk 9 th Grade, Kennedy Traylor 10 th grade, Cortney Haymon 12 th grade, Madison Adkins 12 th grade, McKinna Clifton 12 th grade, Lacee Kirk 11th grade