Means Slinging Mud

Means Slinging Mud

We recently received a mailer from Larry Means claiming that Sen. Phil Williams lies when he says he voted to reduce his own salary. My first thought was, “That’s not true.” My second thought was,“Means has no legitimate criticisms of Williams, so he’s making things up.”

A little background: In 2007, before Williams was elected, the Democrat-controlled Senate voted to raise their salaries and allowances by 62 percent with automatic increases to follow. During Means’ last term from 2006 to 2010, legislative pay with the annual increases, rose more than 72 percent to $52,596.

Under the Democrats’ pay system, current legislative pay has risen to $57,000. Williams, however, has already cut his own pay by not accepting thousands of dollars to which he is entitled.

Means says, “Williams voted for a pay raise bill that automatically adjusts his pay every year. Now his pay can go up without a vote — without you knowing.” Again, that’s not true. This was not a pay raise bill and the people already have voted on it in the form of a constitutional amendment which will, in fact, result in a pay cut for Sen. Williams.

Amendment 871 provides that legislators will no longer be able to set their own salaries — or give themselves raises. Their pay will automatically be the same as the median income in Alabama. This figure is a matter of public record easily available on the Internet. Legislators’ pay will go up or down depending on the income of the citizens of Alabama.

The latest figures available show that median income in the state in 2012 was $41,574. That, plus expenses, will result in a pay cut for Sen. Williams when the amendment takes effect after the November elections. For legislators drawing the full available pay, it will be a cut in excess of $10,000.

When Means says Williams is “Just Not Honest,” it reminds me of an old childhood saying: “Whatever you say about me bounces off me and lands on you.”

In this case, Means’ accusations bounce off Williams and splatter all over Means.

By James and Alice Pruett

One Response
  1. Let’s take this one step farther… Larry Means is spreading this pigsty mud while failing to admit that he was paid at least $15,000 more than Phil Williams was paid – after he refused to take part of his salary – in each of their last years in the AL Senate….

    It doesn’t matter HOW you cut it, Larry is just plain ‘ol LYING about this…

    By the way, what does it say about educators unions spending at least a hundred thousand dollars on the campaign of a man who apparently didn’t pass 9th grade math. (or at the very least hired a campaign manager who didn’t)

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