Letter to the Editor

Letter to the Editor

Note from the Editor:

The articles on this page are opinions submitted by readers of Southern Torch, and therefore do not necessarily represent or express the views of Southern Torch. They are the personal opinions of the individuals who wrote them. Would you like to weigh in on an issue? We encourage anyone who is interested in submitting an opinion piece or a letter to the editor, email us at editor@southerntorch.com, or mail to PO Box 614, Rainsville, AL 35968. Include your name, a phone number and your address.

Submitted by Sonjia Pittman


My desire at the Rainsville City Council Meeting on May 19, 2016 was to get some simple, straight forward answers on issues that many of Rainsville’s citizens, including myself, are interested in knowing.

My main concern was to learn why our City Council members always seem to vote against our Mayor on issues concerning our budget, loans, and money in general. Fiscal responsibility  is where our Mayor’s expertise lies and where he is able to offer the most sound advice for our City. This is totally ignored by our City Council.

I was standing there thinking how much more productive it would have been if all Council members’ efforts striving to avoid answering my questions had been used to work with our Mayor and not just each other in getting goals accomplished for the overall betterment of our City.  I am extremely concerned about the priorities of our Council members and their reasoning in general. There are obviously personal agendas at work here among our City Council.

I feel that most anyone attending a City Council meeting would immediately feel that our City was composed of 5 Council members united together against any and all desires or considerations that our Mayor may request or propose. Rainsville is very fortunate to have a Mayor who is qualified, experienced, and clearly striving to help our City grow in a positive direction. The Council should feel thankful to have him and his expertise to work with them for our City.

I really wish that all concerned citizens of Rainsville would consider attending our City Council meetings to see first hand how this Council operates. It would be a real eye-opener to many of you that may have never attended.

With an election coming up in August this would be the perfect time to acquaint yourselves with how our City is operating and attempt to satisfy your questions or issues. The more people involved, the better for everyone.

City Council meetings are held the first and third Mondays of each month. They are at 5:00 PM at the new City Hall annex building beside our City Hall. If you would like to have the opportunity to address your questions or concerns directly to the Council during a meeting, you must go by City Hall and fill out a form requesting to be on their agenda. This form must be completed, signed, and turned into City Hall 7 days prior to the next meeting. Our next City Council meeting will be on Monday, June 6th.

I am thankful that I am blessed to live in Rainsville where I may feel free to request all of your prayers for our City. Hope to see lots of folks at the next meeting. May God bless us all and our wonderful City of Rainsville, Alabama !