Turkey Trot set for Saturday in Collinsville

Turkey Trot set for Saturday in Collinsville

By Karah Wilson


COLLINSVILLE, Ala.—Collinsville’s Turkey Trot is an event not only popular to those who live in the town but to all DeKalb County residents. The event brought in 8,000-10,000 people in a town of only 700 people from 1912 until the mid-1930s.

One of the main events, though isn’t celebrated in this way anymore, was the throwing of live turkeys off of a roof for people to chase and catch. These turkeys could be brought home and used for the family’s Thanksgiving meal. Since then, the release of live turkeys has stopped. “Now we use beanie baby turkeys to throw off the top of a roof,” Librarian Jennifer Wilkins said. “When you catch a turkey, you can exchange it for a frozen turkey.”

This year the proceeds made from the vendors will go to help restore The Cricket Theatre, which is in the works with the Collinsville Historical Association. The event will hold activities such as inflatables, vendors, crafts, music, and old fashioned games such as money in a haystack, three legged race, a cake walk, and a turkey shoot. At the end of the day, expect to see beanie baby turkeys flying off of the roof.

This year’s event will be held on Nov. 14 from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm on Main Street. There is no admission and parking is free. Other prizes and events include a drawing for a grill, a petting zoo, a visit from Barney Fife, pet adoption, greased pig contest, and the winners of the Miss Turkey Trot Pageant.