OPINION: The Sky Is Falling

OPINION: The Sky Is Falling

By John Westmoreland

Chicken Little is famously remembered as crying “The sky is falling, the sky is falling” after feeling an acorn hit his head. Today the current buzz on everyone’s mind right now is “COVID-19”. 

All the traditional news sources all seem to be in an open panic and causing increased hysteria over COVID-19. The U.S. government, along with all foreign governments around the world, are all taking very serious steps to contain its spread. State and local governments are also trying to get ahead of what’s going on. Public events, schools, and everyday life have all been dramatically altered by this phenomenon. 

Typically speaking, here in rural Alabama, we always seem to think of these large scale or global happenings as having little to minor influence to most of our lives. Not this time! 

Even though no reported cases of the virus have been reported in Alabama, as of today and overall throughout the U.S. less than 1,700 confirmed cases reported with about 40 US deaths, we all are seeing and feeling the impact. And it’s really only beginning.

In the coming days, we could be seeing our local schools closing, factories and other job sites could be temporarily closed or at minimum staffing due to this crisis. The questions surrounding all of this persists as to what exactly is happening? A great number of people are also asking the great question of why is this happening? Is this a simple case of a new strain of virus that will come and go with usual expectations and casualties (respectfully said). Or could this be something along the lines of global economic warfare? Perhaps an organized mass hysteria aimed at the president? Something intended to harm the U.S. and global economy as to finally establish “A New World Order”? Who really knows right now? 

It’s pretty clear that this scare is having a dramatic impact on our economy. Is this a new form of “economic” terrorism designed to unseat President Trump and his America First policies and our traditional capitalist society? 

Since Trump was elected, the media and the Democrats have focused on nothing else but destroying him and our country. They have very literally been acting just like chicken little with their very fake challenges and have already caused very real harm to us all. The barnyard sure is messed up right now, but time will tell all. 

Our best advice to everyone is to just keep your cool. That’s to say, no matter the cause and effect, we are all in this together. It’s not time to throw the baby out with the dishwater but much more of a time for us all to be patient, to pay close attention to what’s happening around us and to remember God is ultimately in control!

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