Fyffe High School on Alert

Fyffe High School on Alert

Fyffe High School is on high alert this morning after a Facebook post seen as a threat was discovered.

The reason for the threat stems from an "incident" that occurred last Thursday during the morning announcements when Freshman SGA Representative Crimson Long read scripture from Revelations 21:8 and then made the statement:

"So the moral of the lesson is instead of coming out of our closets we need to clean our closets."

A group of students launched a protest yesterday morning at 7:30 AM in opposition to the comments made.

Reverend Paul Long gave a statement on the situation:

"I feel like I need to comment on the situation at school. I stand by my son Crimson and his first amendment right to speak his mind just as I stand by the right of those who voice their displeasure of it. Freedom of speech is the cornerstone of our society. To limit ones rights is to began to close the door to everyone's rights. We (our family) have been cast in a light that isn't entirely true, so I want to make sure my friends, family, community and detractors know where we stand. We love every person no matter what they choose to do with their life. We are willing to love, share and encourage any person in any situation. We love them enough also to share the truth that sets all men and women free from all sins not just specific ones. For to long Christians have been told to keep quiet about their faith because it's offensive. We choose to pass on the plate of political correctness and be open and forthright with out faith. I know that offends some but our intentions isn't to offend. The message we carry, is in its self is offensive. We in no way wish any ill will to those who have stirred this to what it is. Jesus commands us to pray for those who persecute you. I agree that the main goal of school is for education but religious liberty and education cannot be separated and remain logical nor beneficial. we've done that for about 40 years and we are reaping what we have sown. This nation must repent and turn back to God starting with the church first. May God bless our Schools, May God bless our communities and may God send revival to our country."

Fyffe Principal Ricky Bryant doesn't believe a current Fyffe student made the threat and school is currently underway.

Southern Torch will have more information if anything develops.