A Moment with Megan: Shoo fly don't bother me!

A Moment with Megan: Shoo fly don't bother me!

By Megan Blansit, Southern Torch Faith Contributor


Hi everyone! I am so happy to be back! As a little background, I took a season off from writing to focus on completing my Master’s degree, and PRAISE THE LORD I am finished!

I now have a Master’s in Counseling. Can I get a Hallelujah? With that being said, I am very excited to be writing again, and appreciate the positive feedback I have received over the past few months. Now, let’s jump right in...

Has anyone ever had one of those big, loud flies buzz around your head? Maybe it was while you were at your son’s baseball game and a fly wanted your nachos, or maybe a fly flew in your house after leaving the windows open in a bedroom.

Despite the situation, an encounter with a loud horsefly can be annoying, right? They’re pesty and seem to always come back, despite being shooed away.

Ironically, as I was journaling one night in my bedroom, I noticed that I had a little visitor. I’m not sure if it is the weather change or what, but somehow an extremely loud fly had entered my room.

At first I tried to ignore it, but I can only handle buzzing noises so long. Lets just say it’s a good thing there aren't cameras in my room because I was getting up and down, up and down, trying to kill the thing. Finally, the back of my journal sealed the deal.

I know what you are thinking, why did I share this? I shared this because I feel like many people have things “buzzing” around in their heads. What do I mean? I mean negativity and lies that Satan has tried to plant in your mind.

Maybe you’ve heard, “You’re not good enough” or “You’ll never amount to anything” or what about this one “Just give up, no one cares.” Sound familiar? They are lies! The Bible says that Satan comes to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10).

This means he is out to steal your joy, kill your peace, and destroy your dreams. However, we must continue reading John 10:10 because God’s Word has already sealed the deal! “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” This is good news!! Christ died so that we may have an abundant life.

You do have a purpose, you are chosen, and you are dearly loved. Loved by someone who saw something so incredibly special that he willingly gave up his life for (John 3:16)... Yes, you friend!

The Bible also says that we are MORE than conquers, that we are overcomers, highly favored, greatly loved, and full of purpose. I wonder how different our day would be if these positive truths were “buzzing around” in our head all day. I imagine we would encounter many more pleasant people.

It’s time we as Christians begin to speak life to ourselves. If we don’t speak life, we will be more prone to hear the lies Satan attempts to plant in our minds. Friend, please don’t let Satan steal another moment of your joy. Put up a fight. Speak scripture over yourself. The Word of God is powerful!

I challenge you to find scripture on who you are in Christ. If you don’t know where to start, simply Google “Who I am in Christ” and start feeding your mind with the truth.

In closing, who remembers the song that goes like this, “...Satan is under my feet...”? Friends, it’s time we stop walking around like the devil is holding our hand and whispering in our ear. He is under our feet!

You are an overcomer. You have purpose. You are dearly loved. Speak scripture over yourself today and say, “Shoo Satan, don’t bother me!”