A Moment with Megan: Pine Cones and Prayer

Megan Blansit
Megan Blansit, Founder of The Beautiful Movement

By Megan Blansit

Founder of The Beautiful Movement - a youth ministry for high school girls. For more information, visit The Beautiful Movement’s Facebook page, where I post the time, place, and activity for each month

Last Sunday, I was sitting outside overlooking the pond at my brother’s house. I absolutely love being outside and enjoying beautiful weather, so that day in particular I grabbed a few books and rode over to his house. As most of you know (if you read my articles), God speaks to me a lot through nature and animals. As I was sitting there reading, I paused and said, “Lord, please speak to me.” Side note- last week was a very exhausting and stressful week; I was feeling overwhelmed and desired to hear His voice. I will  also pause this story and say that perhaps He speaks to us more than we realize but our lives are too loud (busy) for us to hear Him. However, Sunday, I knew it was just me and Jesus out there, with no distractions.

After minutes of asking the Lord to speak to me, I heard some cracking noises in the tree closest to me, I look to my left and saw a pine cone falling from the tree and it hit the ground. At first glance, I didn't think anything of that. As I went back to reading my book I glanced back at the pine cone and immediately the Lord said, “I knew when that fell,” …. “I also know when you fall.” OKAY. Cue the tears! Jesus knows, friend.

I started thinking, what did He mean by “fall?” I concluded that not only does he know when we fall and mess up, but He knows when we are hurting, when we feel defeated, broken, and when we feel like we have literally hit rock bottom. He loves us through it all and He wants to be the one who we fall on. No matter the situation, His eyes never stop gazing with love on us. “You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book,” Psalms 56:8.

That verse reminds me that Jesus is intimately concerned and notices everything about us. You may think no one knows that you cry yourself to sleep at night or maybe you think Jesus doesn't even know who you are. Friend, the Bible says He knows how many hairs you have on your head… that tells me He knows more about the me than I do! Psalm 139:13 says, “ For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.” You are extremely important and loved by Him.

Friend, when you think no one else cares, He cares! He is always thinking about you. My mind really cant imagine that kind of love; perhaps I could if I had a child. Jesus is crazy obsessed with you- in the most intimate, loving way. In fact, I imagine Jesus looking down on you from Heaven, desperately waiting to listen to your prayers, your trials, and your heartaches.

A few months ago I was having a rough day (I felt like a pine cone who had just fallen HARD) and was feeling down and defeated. I was driving up the mountain from Scottsboro to Section and decided to pull over and watch the sunset over the water. In frustration, I sat there talking to God. “Am I forgotten?”… “Where are you?” … “Why is this happening?” Then once I decided to quit having a pity party and actually listen for Him to speak back, He said, “Megan, if you only knew what I have in store for you.” Then He reminded me of Isaiah 55:8, “My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts, says the Lord. And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine.” Friend, I am here to remind you that you are not forgotten. You may have fallen or are falling, but Jesus wants to be there to catch you, to pick you back up, pour out His purpose and love on you. He isn’t concerned with whether something you are upset about is “valid.” Like I said previously, He notices EVERY tear and is intimately concerned with your heartache. Will you fall into His embrace?